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Friday, 15 April 2011

Linnet Clough

Linnet Clough, was a residential trip that lasted for 3 days; it was used to show us a little bit of the first stage of training for public services. It was also used as a pass or fail entry into our course; however if you failed Linnet, you had to  redeem yourself at college by working hard.
Linnet Clough was very tough, physically, mentally and  most of all emotionally; everyday you wanted to stop and go home because you never really had a rest.

Typical Day;

5:00am | Get up, tidy room early for later room inspection (Make bed, fold clothes & polish boots)
6:00am | Be outside on parade in P.T kit ready for a run
8:30 | Breakfast (Very Nice)
9:00 | Room inspections (Best they'd seen)
9:45 | Fitness
12:15 | Dinner
13:00 | Drill
14:30 | Timed run (30min & 45min)
17:00 | Tea 
18:00 | Leadership Lesson
19:00 | Night X
20:30 | Room inspection
21:30 | Skitz
24:00 | Kit preparation (Ironing clothes and polishing boots) 

Night X | Night X was an exercise, that tested our teamwork, navigation and radio procedure skills; the story is that people were seeing stealing water from one of four water sources, our job was to find one water source each in groups, sit and wait until the water source was stolen from, report it and head back to HQ.
We had to sit and wait for about an hour until there were any sign of people, we also had to find good spots were we could not be seen; we also had to use good radio procedure and code words.

Skitz | Skitz is were groups have to put on 2 shows to the rest of the people at Linnet, this was to show our confidence; the 2 shows were a singing act and one act made up.

Passing out | On the last day of Linnet, we all lined up on parade, awaiting the staff to tell us of their decision whether you have passed or not; having my name shouted out was amazing, I have never felt so pleased, to know that all the hard work had paid off.

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